Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013



I am just a teenage girl
Who wishes to be away from the world
I cry all night
Seem fine all day
But when I'm alone
My feelings sway
Do I want to die?
Can I go on?
I have been suffering for so long
If I die, my family would be mad and sad
They do not understand
That I am tired of being me
That I just cannot let myself be
So instead I cut my arm with a blade and watch the blood stream down
I feel the pain inside go numb, but when the bleeding stops I frown
I am ok for today, but what about tomorrow?
Do I just keep cutting myself whenever I feel great sorrow?
Someone, anyone,
Help me.

1 komentar:

  1. Oktober 2013 pukul 04.20

    is it your true experience? if it is so, you dont need to express in negative way. would you like to use positive or optimistic word? i think you would better communicate your problem only with God, like those sholihin (pious man)


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