Kamis, 21 Februari 2013


Foto: I Love you:

Till the end of time
In a world so close to me
I m just so in love
With a girl whos in my heart
I Love U
Look at sun and you see time.
Look in heart and you see love.
Look in eyes and you see life.
Look at your mobile and
you see whos thinking of u!
Its me.
Give laugh to all but smile to one,
Give cheeks to all but lips to one,
Give love to all but Heart to one,
Let everybody love you
But you love one...

Till the end of time
In a world so close to me
I m just so in love
With a girl whos in my heart
I Love U

Look at sun and you see time.
Look in heart and you see love.
Look in eyes and you see life.
Look at your mobile and
you see whos thinking of u!
Its me.

Give laugh to all but smile to one,
Give cheeks to all but lips to one,
Give love to all but Heart to one,
Let everybody love you
But you love one...

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