Kamis, 21 Februari 2013


Foto: as time passes me by:

The clock is ticking
Time passes me by
Other people from my age are getting settled
I wonder why

They make it look easy
Not difficult at all
Loving, caring and sharing a life together
But my head keeps getting banged against the wall

I don’t know how it feels anymore
Or how it should be
To love someone unconditionally
And to be 100% happy

As time passes me by
I doubt everything i do
Have i made the right choices ?
Is my life ok without you ?

Then again i think…to never give up
I’m just being me
And try to stand up

To stand up after you’re fallen
Sometimes its shit
But in the end i believe
That everything whas worth it.

Poet:©Kevin Achten

The clock is ticking
Time passes me by
Other people from my age are getting settled
... I wonder why

They make it look easy
Not difficult at all
Loving, caring and sharing a life together
But my head keeps getting banged against the wall

I don’t know how it feels anymore
Or how it should be
To love someone unconditionally
And to be 100% happy

As time passes me by
I doubt everything i do
Have i made the right choices ?
Is my life ok without you ?

Then again i think…to never give up
I’m just being me
And try to stand up

To stand up after you’re fallen
Sometimes its shit
But in the end i believe
That everything whas worth it.

Poet:©Kevin Achten

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