Kamis, 21 Februari 2013


Foto: Painful Memories: 

Past memories recall 
As usual it was before 
Known path, known face 
Known moments of happiness.
Eventually it calls 
As painful memories.
Have I got back lost days? 
Now a day
Silent moments around 
Tearful eyes as lonely 

Rainbow, moonlight, morning dew 
Nature love and solitudes 
Heart-beat in a second 
The passion of memories 

May be 
Someone around for consolation 
Will try to remove past 
New sun and new hopes 
New happiness to sparkle 

I know
Our existences is very short 
The affection of the world 
Someone acts for time being 
And, my heart 
With full of painful memories 
So lonely I am 
In a silent far-away

Poet : Zakir Hossain


Past memories recall
As usual it was before
Known path, known face
... Known moments of happiness.
Eventually it calls
As painful memories.
Have I got back lost days?
Now a day
Silent moments around
Tearful eyes as lonely

Rainbow, moonlight, morning dew
Nature love and solitudes
Heart-beat in a second
The passion of memories

May be
Someone around for consolation
Will try to remove past
New sun and new hopes
New happiness to sparkle

I know
Our existences is very short
The affection of the world
Someone acts for time being
And, my heart
With full of painful memories
So lonely I am
In a silent far-away

Poet : Zakir Hossain

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