Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013



Do you know how many feelings i carry in my heart,
how do i end my day and how do i start.
Missing you and longing for you is all i can do,
but i wish as i feel you feel the same too.

Do you know how many unspoken words i wanna say,
how can i say i keep on finding the ways.
Loving you and praying for you is all i can do
but i wish as i feel you feel the same too.

Do you know how many dreams i have in my eyes,
how can i fulfill them i keep on telling the lies.
Preaching you and caring for you is all i can do,
but i wish as i feel you feel the same too.

Do you know how much pain is deep in my soul,
how do i bear them and keep trying to come out of the whole,
Searching you and urging for you is all i can do
but i wish as i feel you feel the same too.

 Do you know how much I LOVE YOU,
i wanna tell but unable to do.
Missing you, loving you, preaching you, searching you , wat else i can do,
I wish as i feel you feel the same too........

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